Instant Station Departures

Our apps locate your nearest train station instantly, and display that station's real-time estimated departures.

For upcoming trains, it shows the following information: Destination station, minutes until departure, and route information.

Selecting Other Stations

If you want to see departures at other stations, you can quickly select a station by distance from you, or from an alphabetical list.

You can use this feature to plan any potential transfers at other stations and make sure you have enough time to transfer.

Our Apps provide information about several train systems in the country

Live MRT creates apps that help people plan their commute more efficiently. As of now, we have apps with information for the San Francisco, Boston and Chicago metropolitan areas. We look forward to serving other cities soon!

What Happy Users Are Saying

Laura M
Live MBTA gets the arrival times of the nearest station based on my location, without a need for manual station selection.
Thomas R
Live CTA helps me get to work on time. Very easy to use and convenient.
Rick L
This app makes planning easy. As I am about to arrive at the station, I open my app and it instantly shows me what options are available.